The 6th Japan Open Innovation Prize, Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Award
“Development and Social Implementation of Molecular Dynamics Software GENESIS”Recipients: Yuji Sugita (Chief Scientist), Su-Young Lee (Chief Scientist, NIBIOHN), Kenichi Matsuzaki (Executive Director, RIKEN AIP), Taku Ozawa (Department Head, JSOL), Toru Shiozaki (CEO, QSimulate Inc.)
The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Awards for Science and Technology, Research Category)
Dr. Yuji Sugita, “Theoretical Study on Dynamic Structures of Biomolecules in Cellular Environments” -
FY2021 RIKEN EIHO Award (RIKEN Significant Achievement Award)
Dr. Yuji Sugita, Dr. Jaewoon Jung, Dr. Chigusa Kobayashi, Dr. Takaharu Mori, Dr. Kiyoshi Yagi, Dr. Hisham Dokainish, Dr. Hiraku Oshima “Development and public release of GENESIS optimized to Fugaku and MD simulations of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein”
The 18th PSSJ Annual Meeting, Young Scientist Award
Dr. Takaharu Mori, “Acceleration of cryo-EM flexible fitting for large biomolecular systems by high-performance molecular dynamics simulations”
The 55th BPSJ Annual Meeting, Young Scientist Award
Dr. Ai Niitsu, “Redesign and de novo design of transmembrane alpha-helical peptide barrels” -
The 17th PSSJ Annual Meeting, Young Scientist Award
Dr. Ai Niitsu, “Design and characterization of membrane-spanning alpha-helical peptide pores”
Japan Society for Molecular Science, Young Scientists Award
Dr. Kiyoshi Yagi, “Anharmonic vibrational structure calculations from the first principles” -
15th ICQC Best Poster Award
Dr. Bo Thomsen, “Calculating the infrared spectrum of water embedded in a nylon-6 polymer using anharmonic vibrational methods”
The 14th PSSJ Annual Meeting, Poster Award
Mr. Yasuaki Komuro, “Molecular dynamics somulations of SR Ca2+-ATPase using CHARMM force-fields with updated polyphosphate parameters”
ICMS2013, Student Presentation Award
Mr. Yasuaki Komuro, “MD simulations of ATP/ADP bound form of Ca2+-ATPase using improved polyphosphate parameters of the CHARMM force field”